All heavy drinkers must face withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop their habits as the reduction or the termination of alcohol supply may induce some physical reactions. The symptoms can even be experienced by binge drinkers who drank heavily for only a few days. Heavy drinkers can have their brain chemistry affected by the reduction of large supply of alcohol in their system. They may experience anxiety, loss of sleep, seizure and weaknesses. Curiously, alcohol withdrawal symptoms can have a serious effect on human body unlike other types of withdrawals, in a few more serious cases, untreated alcohol withdrawal can be fatal.
However the frequency and intensity of symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can be reduced with drugs and therapy by a health expert. The duration of alcohol withdrawals may be affected by a few factors, such as age and genetic. But mostly, it is the duration and intake of alcohol consumption which influence withdrawal intensity. Chronic drinkers may face difficult times for months while moderate drinkers may experience a few weeks of withdrawal symptoms.
If you ever know someone who had undergo this process you'll know, you'll understand how hard it is to let go the destructive alcohol addiction. The patient must follow a rigorous detoxification therapy and followed by intensive group counseling. After months of healthy living, a clean system and more stable state of mind, it is hoped that the patient can finally have a healthy physical and healthy life.
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