When those substances are removed or at least reduced, our 'modified' body may react to the new changes. As the result physical and emotional symptoms may occur as the result of body attempt to readjust to the new changes (the lack of addictive substances). It means, it is easier for addicts to withdraw gradually.
The common symptoms you might experience are:
1. Vomiting
2. Tremor
3. Mental disturbance
4. Bad memory and loss of concentration
5. Bad temper
6. Sickness
7. Weariness
8. Irritability
9. Excessive hidrosis
10. Irregular heart rates
The symptoms in alcohol withdrawal are classified in two:
The physical withdrawal symptoms are usually tremblings, vomiting, weaknesses and the likes which usually happen a rapid withdrawal is performed. It is because our body is 'protesting' to the lack of substances that it is accustomed to.
The psychological withdrawal symptoms like mental disturbance and trouble in concentrating and thinking are usually happen after a sudden reduction of alcohol intake in heavy drinkers. Brain that is adjusted to high alcohol content in blood will cause psychological problems.
Withdrawal symptoms are consequences that must be faced by drinkers fro their mistakes in consuming alcohol excessively, however with enough support and controlled environment as most importantly strong resolve to get better, all alcohol addiction can be cured successfully.